Sunday, 31 July 2011

I bought this leather jacket at a village brocante. It looks very french resistence, maybe an old bikers jacket. It is supple brown leather with a brown woollen lining. It's heavy and warm.

I bought these from a lovely lady who said they might be used for making doll's hair.Interesting idea. I'm not sure  what they might be for although they are different thickness' and all unstarted. 

A huge magnificent ball of string.

Babies rattle

I come across many baskets but this one was  in perfect condition, no wood worm  or missing  weave.

Saturday, 30 July 2011

Village Brocante today.

This is a peek at some of the treasures I bought today. I love the  piece of clothing I bought below. It  seems very old and could be a work smock or nightshirt. I need to do some research.

Wednesday, 13 July 2011

Printed Linen

There is so much to see in this fabric. I love the five colours together soft mauve background red, pink with grey and ochre.I would never have imagined these together. Then the motifs are special. Oriental characters playing stringed instruments, dancing amongst blooms some in vases and bells.
The piece is lined with a fringe along the sides.