Sunday, 31 July 2011

I bought this leather jacket at a village brocante. It looks very french resistence, maybe an old bikers jacket. It is supple brown leather with a brown woollen lining. It's heavy and warm.

I bought these from a lovely lady who said they might be used for making doll's hair.Interesting idea. I'm not sure  what they might be for although they are different thickness' and all unstarted. 

A huge magnificent ball of string.

Babies rattle

I come across many baskets but this one was  in perfect condition, no wood worm  or missing  weave.


  1. Goodness what treasures... love the jacket,linen and basket... is that a bangle or what?? No outings for me yesterday had a migraine from outings on Saturday, all very dull. Dx

  2. Sorry I was tired yesterday but the captions are there now. The rattle has a very sweet tinkle. It's very heavy too. Must chat sooon x

  3. Your blog makes me want to visit Europe again.

    Beautiful collecting - thank you very much for you amazing photos.
